REPA Italia has always been committed to promoting and ensuring fair and transparent conditions in the management of its business and activities. REPA Italia have implemented, in line with its principles and values, an Organisation Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

According to the Decree, a company is considered 'excellent' if it is able to reconcile its economic purpose with the need to protect society and the environment. In fact, a company must operate by harmonising economic-financial results and social-environmental sustainability objectives, sharing in the context in which it operates, part of the benefits it obtains from being a member of the community.

Therefore, to protect its integrity, REPA Italia has implemented a formalised and clear behavioural model and Code of Ethics (organisational chart, job description, control principles), manual and computerised control procedures (segregation of duties, joint signatures, squaring, etc.), control and reporting systems for anomalous or irregular situations, internal communication and staff training.

For further information, see attachments.

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Durante las fiestas, ¡estamos a tu disposición! Estamos abiertos los días laborables, con estas únicas excepciones: Los días 24 y 31 de diciembre, la hora límite para realizar pedidos y el cierre de la oficina será a las 13:00h ¡Felices fiestas de parte de todo el equipo REPA!